Across The Stars: The Ralckor Incident
In the year 5367 IR, humanity is well established throughout the galaxy. It has been over twenty-thousand years since the Zal'tacs passed through our solar system, trading their technology for our food and resources.
Lucius Winterson, the Eurmerican ambassador delegated to greet the aliens, was so successful in his mission that he eventually became Earth's sole representative on the Zal'tac Council. In return, he acquired personal technology that has kept him alive throughout the millennia, creating an Empire in the process, the Xulthe'en Empire.
In Across The Stars, you serve the Xulthe'en Empire aboard a deep-space transport. Adjusting to your lifestyle hasn't been easy though, your berth is small and cramped and the twelve-and-a-half-hour shifts are long. The Captain even gave you an extra week of duty for not having your uniform property squared away. In a place this small, you're beginning to wonder if you have what it takes to serve the Empire.
Set off on a new adventure, as you travel Across The Stars.