
Retro style, three reels, ten stops slotmachine with comic skin. Pocketbandit is modeled after the classic, mechanical fruitmachines of the early 20th centuries and emulates devices such as:

  • Mills Novelty QT Chevron
  • Mills Novelty Vestpocket
  • Groetchen IMP trade simulator
  • Pace Comet
  • Liberty Bell

Unlike the slotmachines, it is modeled after, PocketBandit also includes elements of skilled and strategic play:

  • Spin the reels at different speeds by pulling the knob at different speeds.
  • Stop a reel at will by yanking the knob up.
  • Wager zero to three coins per round.
  • Use no-wager rounds to skip over bad luck streaks.


4.58 MB